Friday, May 29, 2009

Australia Education Exhibition tour in Indonesia 2009

This year IDP (The Australia Education Organization) held their annual Australia Education Exhibition tour in Indonesia. It involved more than a dozen Australian universities such as James Cook University, Flinders University, University Technology Sydney, University of Western Australia, University of Melbourne, TAFE, and many more. This year, the event was conducted in 5 different big cities include Jakarta-Bandung-Balikpapan-Makasar-Denpasar which took approximately 2 weeks travels. The purpose of this event is to facilitate the Australian universities to promote their programs, open application, and gain prospective students.

This year, Ms Neha Sen (International Marketing Staff of James Cook University) was the representative from JCU. Along the trip she was not alone, she assisted by a number of JCU Alumni include Ristianto Pribadi (Jakarta), Iskandar and Irfani Baga (Bandung), Ghitarina Hasbi (Balikpapan), Aryadi Arsyad & Yulia Arsyad (Makasar), and Maulita Sari Hani (Bali). These alumni assisted her by being an interpreter and also share their study experience in JCU. Neha Sen was very happy with this assistance because her job has become a lot easier especially in dealing with the Indonesians.

Particularly in Bali, The Australia Education Exhibition was held in Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel on the 25th May 2009. There were not a lot of Australian universities that participated on that day; from that I noted, there were only 14 universities involved. Nevertheless, I (Lita), felt very pleased to be there and assisted Neha Sen because it was a wonderful opportunity to meet her as well as the prospective students. During 5 hours exhibition (13.30-18.30 wita) we only had 7 visitors that came. These people were came from Marine and Fisheries Department, Udayana University, UNDIKSA, and the rests of them were some senior high school students. These Prospective students were interested to study Marine Sciences, Tourisms/Ecotourisms, and Nursing at James Cook University as the leading university for Marine Sciences, Environmental Sciences, and Tourisms. Neha Sen was very passionate to explain in details about these programs. I, as a Graduated student from tourism study also help me a lot easier to explain to the visitors about the tourism programs and its educational system, moreover I also promoted PPIA JCU (Indonesian Student Association) as the student and community group that supports and assists the Indonesian students to feel more like home.

more pics

reported by Maulita Sari Hani



Dian Latifah said...
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Dian Latifah said...

I'd like to pass on nice regards from JCU Alumni in Surabaya (they are about 6-7 Alumni here). Please pass on their advice to the Committee of Australian Education Exhibition to consider this city for an alternative exhibition location in the future as its quite-highly potential for prospective students. Surabaya and surrounding cities are nice as well for hot-spicy traditional foods and tourist objects such as Mt Bromo and Batu. More info you could communicate with Adi Susilo--senior lecturer at Brawijaya University (, Anang Syamsunihar-senior lecturer at Jember University ( and of course IDP-Surabaya.

Dian Latifah said...

I'd like to pass on Maulita Sari Hani's kind advice for the Australia Education Exhibition in the future:
'the location of the exhibition was not strategic enough for the visitor to come and it was a terrible day (monday) to held an events (considering it is a working and school day); promotion effort-improvement should be considered as well to increase the number of visitors'

Dian Latifah said...

Dear Mba Fanny, Pak Is, Mba Ghita, Mas Tito, Yuli-Aryadi, Lita (kepleset Lati by Neha hehe.. )

Terimakasih atas segala bantuan yg sangat sangat sangat (beliau muji-muji nya dengan very very detail reasons lo.. sampai asyik denger ceritanya.. ).. maaf belum bisa dengan segera mengucapkannya by emails meski sudah jauh-jauh hari direncanakan sejak pulang dari Indonesia.. karena saat ini beliau langsung disibukkan kembali dengan trip berikutnya dg acara yg sama di India..

Smoga nggak pada bosen mbantuin dan merayu yg lain supaya berkenan membantu juga yaa untuk Australian Education Exhibition di masa-masa mendatang..

top.. top.. buat smuanya.. makasih.. makasih..